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Add an Intro and .RTF Support File

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Note: This session uses features exclusive to WinFlash Educator. If you aren't using Educator, you won't be able to do this segment of the Tutorial.


In this session we'll add an Introduction and an associated .RTF-file to the file we created in Tutorials 1-4.  This will introduce you to Educator's built-in .RTF editor.


Adding An Introduction


1. Start Educator and open our faithful NECAPS.FLU file from Tutorial 4.


2. Start the editor and click the Introduction tab or type Alt-n.  This will open a blank screen that can be used for simple edits to the .RTF (Rich Text Format) - based Introduction file.  For the purposes of this exercise, we want to use full capabilities of the built-in .RTF editor, so click on the Open Intro Editor button.  This will open the full-blown .RTF editor in a separate, independently positionable and resizeable window on top of the Educator  editor.


3. Let's create a title for the introduction by clicking on the Centered speed button (second from the right on the button bar) and setting the font size to 20 and the typeface to Times New Roman using the two drop-down list boxes on the left hand side of the button bar. Also select the Underline (U) and Italic (I) buttons on the button bar.  Type in New England.  Hit Enter.


4. Now let's embed a .jpg graphic into the introduction.  Click the Left speed button (third from the right on the button bar) to return the justification to left.  Click Insert|Picture... and select the Ne.jpg graphic from the list of files that appears - if necessary, navigate to the application's Tutorial directory where this file resides.  The New England map picture used in the header of this tutorial will appear in the Introduction.


5. Change the font to Times New Roman, Bold, 12-point using the drop-down pick lists on the button bar and the "B" button.  Type a few spaces and then enter the following text manually or by copying and pasting from this section of the help file:


This source file is a demonstration of the capabilities of the WinFlash Educator learning system, being constructed during the completion of the online tutorial.  Topics include


Hit Enter a couple of times to insert a blank line.


Click on the Paragraph|Bullets menu item and type


New England Capitals


New England History


New England Geography


Select the three bulleted lines and click on the Font Palette button (two buttons to the right of the U button on the bar) and click on the red-colored box. Then click the OK button at the bottom of the color dialog.  This will change the associated type to red.


To save our brief introduction, click the File|Save and Exit menu selection on the .RTF editor.  This will return you to the Introduction panel in the Educator editor.


6. Now let's finalize our introduction by adding audio accompaniment. Click the browse button on the Audio File For Intro bar. Double-click on the file FANFARE.WAV in the dialog that appears.  This will place the name of the file in the edit box to the left of the browse button.


Note: We could alternatively have made an audio recording using the Direct Record Audio File capability to be associated with the Introduction.


Click the Save button to save our changes and then the Close button or type Alt-e to exit the editor.


7. Close and then re-open the NECAPS.FLU file to observe the newly-added Introduction and hear the opening fanfare!  Click the Continue button to move into the regular Q&A section of the file.  The introduction can be replayed at any time by clicking on the "light bulb" button on the main window's button bar.


Adding A .RTF Support File


1. Continuing with our NECAPS.FLU file re-opened in Step 7 above, again open the Educator editor.  Enter 12 in the small edit box next to the button labeled "Go To Pair #" and hit Enter. This will take you to the baseball Q&A pair.


2. Click the Associated Files tab or type Alt-f.  On the Associated Files page, click on the Add/Edit button in the Associated Files For Question box. This will open the .RTF editor in a separate, independently positionable and resizeable window on top of the Educator editor.


Note: An associated .RTF file uses the graphics half of the Q or A window to display its contents.  Thus it can only be used when a graphic or video file is NOT being associated with the Q or A.  In our current example, we can add an associated .RTF file to the Q but NOT to the A, since the A is already associated with the graphics file FENWAY.JPG.


3. Enter the text below in the editor:


Baseball is one of the USA's most POPULAR sports


4. Using the skills you learned in the first section, change the overall font to Times New Roman, Bold, 20 point.  Center the text. Select the word POPULAR and underline it using the U button.  With POPULAR still selected, click on the Palette button and make the word red. Move the cursor to the end of the text.


5. Hit Enter a couple of times to add two blank lines.


6. Click Insert|Picture... and select the BASCARD.JPG graphic from the list of files that appears - if necessary, navigate to the application's Tutorial directory where this file resides.  A composite picture of old baseball cards and a photograph will appear.  Click on the picture and then click on the small, black square on the lower right of the picture and drag this square downwards and to the right, slightly increasing the size of the picture.  Click in the white area to release the "handle".


7. Close the .RTF editor click the Save button to save your work and then exit Educator editor.  Note that Q&A pair 12 now has the support information that we just added in the section above displayed in the graphics area of the Question window.


For more information on the naming and format of the Introduction and RTF support files see WinFlash Source File Formats.


The sixth exercise will show how to create a new Composite Source (.FLU) File from two already-existing .FLU files.  If you'd like to continue with that exercise now, just click Create A Composite .FLU File.



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