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The Misc/Audio page allows you to set the following Miscellaneous, Image Bitmap, Audio Video, Cheers And Jeers and Study Time Statistics options:

Check Case In Fill-In-The-Blank Answers

Selecting this check box requires the answer to match in both character and case.  Useful in language studies and other disciplines where capitalization is an important consideration.

Check Order Of Fill-In-The-Blank Answers

Selecting this check box requires the entries in multiple-answer FIB's to be in the same order that they are stored in the program.  Useful in language studies for conjugation and in any question where the ORDER of the answers given is important - e.g. The first three letters of the alphabet are, in order...

Clear Fill-In-The-Blank Answer On Retry

Selecting this checkbox causes the initially-entered text in the Fill-In-The-Blank entry box to be cleared when the user clicks on the Try Question Again button.

Randomize Order Of Multiple Choice Answers

Selecting this checkbox causes the order of Multiple Choice answers to be varied randomly each time they are presented.  It is a good idea to select this option, because it helps to prevent inadvertently memorizing the POSITION of the correct answer(s) rather than the desired result of remembering the CONTENT of the correct answer(s).

Automatically Continue If Answer Correct

Selecting this checkbox causes the program to move on to the next Question if the auto-scored answer was correct.  Since "standard" Q&A pairs require user input to determine if the answer was correct, this option has no effect for this type of Q&A pair.

Confirm Delete

Selecting this checkbox causes the program to request confirmation each time you delete a Q&A pair.

Allow Multiple Program Instances

Selecting this checkbox causes the program to allow multiple running instances of the program to coexist. This can be useful when editing multiple files simultaneously.

Warning! It is NOT advisable to have the same file open in more than one instance of the program!!

Image Bitmaps *

Clicking the 'Select Correct/Incorrect Images' button steps through the pre-stored Correct/Incorrect image bitmaps including the pair that are simply gray squares with COR and INC labels. You can replace this pair with ANY standard icons of your own choosing by adding them as icon files named correct.ico and incorrect.ico to the directory that contains the WinFlash executable file. Have some fun with this one ;-)

The 'Flash Displayed Bitmap' checkbox controls whether or not the displayed graphic flashes when displayed.

Audio/Video/Link Settings

The Enable Audio/Video checkbox can be deselected to allow files which reference Audio and/or Graphics files to be used on machines that don't have the required resources to play or display the files without generating repeated error messages.

The Auto Play Audio checkbox can be deselected so that the program will not automatically play an associated audio file when first displaying the Question or Answer dialog.  When this option is deselected the user must  click the 'Play' button on the Multi-Media Controller to play the associated audio file.

The Enable Links In .RTF Files checkbox can be selected to allow links embedded in the introduction and .rtf support files to be fully operational.  This has the downside of giving the APPEARANCE that text in these dialogs can be edited by the user - but any changes made to the text are not saved to the actual source file.

Cheers And Jeers *

Enable Cheers Every _ Occurrences


Selecting this check box plays a cheer every "n" correct answers - where n is the number entered in the edit box to the left of "Occurrences".


Enable Jeers Every _ Occurrences


Selecting this check box plays a jeer every "m" incorrect answers - where m is the number entered in the edit box to the left of "Occurrences".


See the Cheers And Jeers topic for more details on customizing the sounds used for these features.


*WinFlash Basic versions purchased under a multiple-copy license have this feature enabled


Study Time Statistics **

Pause After __ Seconds...


Selecting this radio button interrupts the accumulation of study time after the entered number of seconds passes without viewing a new pair.


Accumulate Study Time The Entire Time...


Selecting this radio button counts all time that the study file is open when accumulating study time.


Display Study Time On Main Window


When this checkbox is selected, the program displays the current session's study time for the current deck on the button bar of the main window.


* Scholar and Educator Only

** Educator Only


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