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Question Dialog - Test Mode


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This dialog box displays the current Question when running a test (.FLT) file.  This section of Help maintains the same format as the regular Question Dialog section and highlights the differences when using WinFlash in the test mode.

Warning!! Important Note!! Once the test is saved, it CANNOT be opened again using the same Student ID.  This is a security measure to prevent retaking the test to gain more time or to amend answers after having had time to check outside references.  So, be SURE you've reviewed your answers before closing the test!! (Test files CAPITALS.FLT and COMPOUT.FLT are excused from this rule, allowing multiple sessions for the purpose of practicing with the test engine.)

Note: To Close The Test And Save The Results:

Type Alt - F4 - i.e. hold down the Alt key while hitting the function key F4 (standard Windows quit shortcut)


Click on the "x" in the upper right hand corner of either the Question dialog or the WinFlash main window


Click Save Results & Exit on the WinFlash main menu or type its shortcut Alt - x.

The Question dialog is made up of six components as further described below starting at the top of the dialog:

Title Bar

Contains the file name of the currently loaded .FLT file (test file).

Status Bar

Starting from the top left, the Status Bar contains the following data and controls:

Question Number - Displays the number of the current question - 1 in the bar above.  Its background is green if there is an answer already stored for the question and red if there is not.                                                

Questions Left Unanswered - The count of how many questions remain unanswered - 4 in the bar above.

Time Remaining - Time remaining for the test - only visible if the .FLT file has been created with a time limit.  A warning dialog will appear when only two minutes remain.  When time expires, a message will appear announcing the end of the test.  When this dialog is closed, the .FLR result file will be automatically saved and the test closed.

Currently Stored Answer - The answer currently stored for this question.  Allows for quick review of answers by using the Backward and Forward browse buttons.  The answer does not need to be reentered when moving to the next question. If the test has been created with the Allow Only One Pass Through Questions option selected, this display is replaced by a red warning box with the message "!!WARNING!! This Test Only Allows ONE Pass Through The Questions."

Hint Button - This button indicates the presence of Hints when it is enabled.  Each click of the button (the Ctrl-h shortcut is inoperable in Test Mode) displays another of the available hints in sequence.  The sequence can be repeated by continuing to click the button.

Skip - Skips over the question without storing an answer.  Clears the current answer if one was previously stored.

Backward Browse - Moves to the previous question without altering the stored answer of the current question.

Forward Browse - Moves to the next question without altering the stored answer of the current question.

Next Unanswered - Moves to the next unanswered question in the test without altering the stored answer of the current question.

Text Display

The text portion of the Question (if any) is displayed in the left half of the central portion of the dialog if there is a graphical or .RTF component to the Question and in the entire central portion in the absence of graphical/.RTF content or if Options|View|Enable Graphics is unchecked.

Long text entries that do not fit within the Text Display can be scrolled by using the scroll bars, using the PageUp and PageDown keys or by using the wheel on a wheel-mouse.

Pop-up Menu


The pop-up menu and the main window's memo are disabled in Test Mode.  The only menu item available is Save Answers & Exit located on the main window.

Graphics Display

The graphical portion of the Question (if any) OR the associated .RTF file is displayed in the right half of the central portion of the dialog if there is a textual component to the Question and in the entire central portion in the absence of textual content.

A displayed graphic or .RTF can be zoomed to full-screen by single-clicking on it.  Another click on the full-screen display returns the display to normal.


Answer Entry Bar

This part of the screen can be one of four types:

Multiple Choice - The bar displays a numbered button for each of the possible Multiple Choice answers shown.  It also displays Reenable Buttons and Check My Answer buttons.  The numbered buttons' icons are initially all red.  To indicate that the answer corresponding to the numbered button is correct, click on the button, toggling the icon to a gray check mark.  If you make a mistake you can start over by clicking on Reenable Buttons that will set them all back to red again.  After toggling all of the buttons whose corresponding answers are correct to gray (this can be any number from none to all of the buttons), enter your answer by clicking on Check My Answer (or Enter My Answer when in Test Mode) - this will move you to the Answer Dialog where you'll find out if your answer was correct (or on to the next Question when in Test Mode).

True/False - The bar contains True and False buttons.  Click the appropriate button. This will move you to the Answer Dialog where you'll find out if your answer was correct (or on to the next Question when in Test Mode).

Yes/No - The bar contains Yes and No buttons.  Click the appropriate button. This will move you to the Answer Dialog where you'll find out if your answer was correct (or on to the next Question when in Test Mode).

Fill-In-The-Blank - The bar contains from one to six edit boxes in which you type your answer.  When you have completed your entry, click on the Check My Answer button or press Enter. This will move you to the Answer Dialog where you'll find out if your answer(s) were correct (or on to the next Question when in Test Mode).

In Scholar and Educator this bar also contains 10 Glossary Buttons which allow easy access to any of up to 90 user-programmable character strings (from 1 to 300 characters).  These buttons can also be present in Test Mode in WinFlash Basic - see note at the bottom of the Glossary Buttons section. The bar also contains a button for accessing the Character Inserter (for non-keyboard-accessible characters), located just to the right of the 10th glossary button.


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