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WinFlash 4.0

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WinFlash v4.0 was a major upgrade incorporating the following new features and enhancements:  

A full WYSIWYG  forms-based editor has been added - no more ^'s for hard carriage returns!  No need to deal directly with the .FLU file at all any more!!  Fully compatible with v3.0 and later .FLU files

Now you can print your files as real two-sided flashcards, complete with graphics for study when you're away from your computer!

Multiple-choice questions (up to six choices plus the infamous All Of The Above and None Of The Above) are now auto-checked by the program.

Fill-In-The-Blank questions (up to six possible correct answers allowed) are also auto-checked.


Question and Answer window sizes and positions are now user-adjustable by dragging.  The positions are remembered by each file so different settings can be used as best  suits the contents of the file.


Text, graphics AND sound can now ALL be used in the same Question and/or Answer. Added support for .AVI movies and .MID synthesizer files.


Graphics are auto-sized to fit window size. Zoom pictures to full-screen by clicking the image.


Old WinFlash files are automatically updated to the new format - just open them with the new version - only the fonts need to be reset on the first use.


Hints (for the Question) and Comments (for the Answer) can be provided (up to three) and their presence automatically indicated to the user.


The maximum size of a file has been greatly expanded - to 5000 Q&A pairs.


Support for both named categories AND numeric ranges is now provided.


Most recently used file pick list has been added to the file menu.


WinFlash can be associated with .FLU files and will run on double-clicking a .FLU file in My Computer.  This also allows you to create icons for your files.


Auto-pilot feature allows hands-off review of files with user-settable, independent, Q and A delays.


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