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Advanced Statistics (WinFlash Educator Only)

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Main|File|File Statistics|Advanced

Educator has the ability to display and print detailed statistics about your results with the currently open .FLU file.  These statistics are displayed in the dialog shown below and are accessed through the File|File Statistics selection on the File Menu.  Advanced Statistics are then selected by clicking on the Advanced... button.


The information displayed is dependent on the current study mode for the file.  For example, if the file is in History mode, the unlearned, short-term learned or long-term learned status of each Q&A pair can be viewed.  Similarly, if the file is in Leitner mode, the due date and current Leitner box of each Q&A pair is displayed.


The display can be sorted by any of the columns making this a very useful view of the current study file status. For instance, an ordered list of the next-due pairs when using Leitner mode shows both which pairs are coming up and how many of them will be due on any given date. Sorting on the Long Term % Incorrect can give you a picture of which pairs you are having the most trouble learning.




Display/Print By

Selecting Pair displays the statistics for each Q&A pair. Selecting Category displays the summary statistics for each category.

One Line Per Pair

When checked, forces only a single line per Q&A pair - otherwise the full text of the Q and A of the pair is displayed.


When pressed, this button opens a dialog allowing you to choose which displayed column you would like to sort the data by along with a radio-button choice of Ascending or Descending order. The default sort order is by pair number.

Select Categories

All categories in the current file are displayed along with a "No Category" Pairs classification.  Only the categories that are checked are included in the display or printout.


Selects all of the categories


Selects none of the categories

Clear Study Times

Pressing this button clears the study time statistics.

Study Times

These four windows display the accumulated study times in four categories - the current session, the current day, the past week and the time since the file was first opened or since the Clear Study Times button was last pressed. The times are displayed in hh:mm:ss format UNLESS the total exceeds 24 hours - in which case the data is displayed as dd:hh:mm format.


Prints out a report of the currently displayed information.


Displays a preview showing how the printed output will appear.

Update Statistics

Reloads the display after changing one or more of the control settings.

Include Current Range Only

Limits the statistics display to the file's currently selected range - set in Options|Pair Order & Size|Range


Returns to the File Statistics dialog.




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