Main|Search|Open To Editor Find/Replace
The Find/Replace dialog allows you to search for and, optionally, replace text strings in the various panels of the WinFlash editor through the entire currently open .FLU file. The dialog contains the following settings and controls:
Find What:
Enter the text for which you are searching in this edit box.
Replace With:
Enter the text that will be used to replace the text in the Find What box (if any).
Select the Up or Down radio button to search up or down the numerical position of the Q&A pairs.
Include .RTF Files
Look for the string in the .RTF files as well - including the Introduction. This is only enabled in the Educator version, since only Educator can edit these files.
Include Categories
Include the Q&A pairs' category names in the search operation.
Whole Words
Only "find" instances where there are no additional characters prepended or appended to the specified search string.
Match Case
Only "find" instances where the found string's case matches that of the search string.
The Find/Replace dialog also contains the following pushbutton controls:
Searches for the first instance of the string contained in the Find What edit box in the direction indicated in the Direction radio button control.
Find Next
Continues with searching for the next instance of the search string, including instances within the currently displayed Q&A pair.
Find In Next Pair
Continues with searching for the next instance of the search string, excluding instances within the currently displayed Q&A pair.
Replace & Find Next
Replaces the currently selected text with the contents of the Replace With edit box. If the Replace With box contains no text at all the result will be the deletion of the currently selected text. The search then continues for the next instance of the search string, including instances within the currently displayed Q&A pair.
Closes the dialog.
Opens the help file to this page.
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