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Frequency Based on History

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Main|Options|Q&A Modes|Mode-specific Settings

The Options For Frequency Based On History Mode dialog contains the following controls:

Frequencies - Percentage Of The Time To Ask: allows setting the following values:        

An Unlearned Question

This edit box contains the relative percentage of time Questions in the Unlearned category will be asked.

A Short Term Learned Question

This edit box contains the relative percentage of time Questions in the Short Term Learned category will be asked.

A Long Term Learned Question

This edit box contains the relative percentage of time Questions in the Long Term Learned category will be asked.

For example, if the percentages are 60, 30, 10 a given Unlearned Question will be asked twice as often as a given Short Term Learned Question and six times as often as a given Long Term Learned Question.

Promo Messages allows choosing one of the following behaviors for the message which appears when a Q&A pair is promoted (or demoted):


This mode presents a promotion dialog with an OK button which must be pressed (or Enter pressed) before proceeding.


This mode presents a promotion dialog timed to close in approximately three seconds, after which you may proceed with no further action.


No promotional dialog is presented when a Q&A pair's status changes.

Learning Threshold Settings allows setting the following values:        

Promote An Unlearned Question After _ Correct Answer(s)

This edit box contains the number of correct responses that must be accumulated within one day to promote a Q&A pair to the Short Term Learned category.  The allowed range of values is 1 through 9.

Promote A Short Term Learned Question After _ More Correct Answer(s)

This edit box contains the number of correct responses that must be accumulated within one day for that day to count as one of the days (set in the Answer(s) Occurring On At Least _ More Different Days edit box) required to promote a Q&A pair from the Short Term Learned to the Long Term Learned category.  The allowed range of values is 1 through 9.

Occurring On At Least _ More Different Days

This edit box contains the number of days that must be accumulated, each with at least the number of correct responses indicated in the Promote A Short Term Learned Question After _ More Correct Answer(s) edit box required to promote a Q&A pair from the Short Term Learned to the Long Term Learned category.  The allowed range of values is 1 through 9.

Note: As an example, using WinFlash's default values:

Promote An Unlearned Question After 2 Correct Answer(s)

Promote A Short Term Learned Question After 2 More Correct Answer(s)

Occurring On At Least 2 More Different Days

As I work with the file, the first time a Q&A pair is answered correctly twice in the same day it is promoted to the Short Term Learned category.  No more progress can be made on that Q&A pair that day.  Starting with the next day, I have to respond correctly at least twice on two different days to promote the Q&A pair to Long Term Learned status.

If an incorrect response is entered for a Q&A pair at any time, that pair's status is demoted to Unlearned and any accumulated correct responses towards promotion are cleared.  Statistics for total correct responses remains intact.

Since WinFlash uses the computer's clock to determine the day, the day changes at midnight.


Reset All Questions In This File To Unlearned

This pushbutton resets all of the Q&A pairs to Unlearned status and clears any accumulated Correct Today scores as well as removing any incremental days that had been accumulated towards Long Term Learned status for Q&A pairs that were in the Short Term Learned category.


This pushbutton returns to the Q&A Mode Selection dialog, storing the current values selected.


This pushbutton returns to the Q&A Mode Selection dialog, ignoring any changes that were made while in the dialog except Reset All Questions In This File To Unlearned which takes effect as soon as the pushbutton is pressed.


This pushbutton opens Help to this section.


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