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Frequency Based on Priority List

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Main|Options|Q&A Modes|Mode-specific Settings

The Options For Frequency Based On Priority List Mode dialog contains the following controls:


This edit box contains the relative percentage of time the Questions on the Priority List will be asked.

For example, if Frequency = 75, a given Question ON the Priority List will be asked three times as often as a given Question NOT on the Priority List.

Clear All Questions From Priority List

This pushbutton resets the Priority List associated with the file, but does NOT re-enable Disabled Questions. This occurs immediately, without waiting for OK to be pressed.


This pushbutton returns to the Q&A Mode Selection dialog, storing the current values selected.


This pushbutton returns to the Q&A Mode Selection dialog, ignoring any changes that were made while in the dialog except Clear All Questions From Priority List which takes effect as soon as the pushbutton is pressed.


This pushbutton opens Help to this section.


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