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Print Tables Dialog (WinFlash Scholar/Educator Only)

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Main|File|Print Tables

The Print Tables dialog contains the options below for printing table-format output from your files.


Five styles are available - Q&A, Q-Only, A-Only and printout of the associated .RTF and .INT files.

Font Size For Table Printing

This allows you to modify the font size used to print the tables. The typeface of the font remains the same as the Q or A typeface used on the screen. If the All Forced To radio button is selected, the fonts will all be printed in the size entered in the box to the right, regardless of the size that they are when displayed in the Q or A dialog.

Page Orientation


Select either portrait or landscape orientation for the page.

Left and Top Margin

This edit box allows you to enter the height of the left and top margins in tenths of an inch.

Single Test Sheet

When selected this outputs a single sheet containing as many of the Q&A pairs at the front of the file as will fit on a page in the selected style.

Randomize Pair Order

When selected this randomizes the order of the pairs in the table.

Set Output Filtering

Opens the Filter dialog, allowing you to specify what types of Q&A pairs from the input file will be used for printing.  See Filter Settings for more detail on this operation.


This pushbutton closes the Print Tables dialog and begins the print operation.


This pushbutton closes the Print Tables dialog with no action being taken.


This pushbutton opens the standard Printer Setup dialog.


This pushbutton displays a preview of the cards as they will be printed.


This pushbutton opens the Help file to this topic.


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