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Text To Speech (WinFlash Educator Only)

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Beginning with WinFlash Educator v9.0, text-to-speech is available for use on a Microsoft SAPI4-enabled PC.  This feature is switched on and off by the Toggle Text To Speech speed button on the main window button bar. If this button is grayed this indicates that the Text-To-Speech engine has not been installed on the computer.  You can obtain an installer for SAPI4 and its associated voices from our website at:

You can use the feature, for reading your cards to you as you study should you find this mode of study to be useful.  Different speakers can be selected and their voices modified by using the settings on the Options|Speech tab.


A more powerful use of the feature is to use the Text-To-Speech export feature which allows you to export a study file as a .wav or .mp3 audio file.


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