WinFlash Basic, Scholar, and
WinFlash is available in three forms - Basic, Scholar and
Educator. The features below are divided into three categories,
reflecting the three program levels. Click
here to view a concise table comparing the features of the three
programs. Click here to see what
was new in Version 11.0.
The following new features are available in all three
WinFlash versions:
Jumpstart option for Leitner prevents the
promotion of Box 1 pairs, thus keeping them 'always due'. This
allows frequent review of newly-added material if
desired "Mercy" feature allows all Leitner due
dates to be moved back - or forward for the
masochistically-inclined Height of fill-in-the-blank edit
boxes now optionally scales with the height of the Question
dialog, allowing for multi-line FIB answers and/or larger
fonts Popup menu selection added for Go To
Previous Pair in study mode Fast timed mode now
allows pairs to be shown in random order Expanded/updated
The following new features are available in WinFlash Scholar and
Study files in multi-user mode now store ALL
options on a per-user basis - each user can set favorite colors,
fonts, etc. Full range of filtering options is
now directly accessible from the Print Cards, Print Tables and Print
Tests dialogs Pair order can be randomized when
printing tables and tests Batch font operations
can be performed selectively on Q, A, MC, FIB, Hint or Comment
text Pair statistics of current pair available
by right-clicking on the Q or A dialog Pair numbers in
table views are highlighted with red for disabled pairs and
green for priority pairs

The following new features are available in WinFlash
Browse, select,
download and store any of FlashcardExchange's 40+
million flashcards for use with Educator from within the
program Export study files as a series of jpg's
for direct use on any device that can show jpg graphic
files Export study files as a rtf
tables, retaining all font effects - useful for extracting
data from study files Educator can now be
installed on any USB-interfaced drive (e.g. a "thumb"
drive) so you can use your study files on any USB-equipped Windows
computer without installing WinFlash on that
computer Default foreign language keyboards can
be assigned to both the Question and Answer, automatically switching
to the correct keyboard mapping when entering data in the Editor and
when entering answers in fill-in-the-blank mode Auto
Spell mode allows a single entry of spelling words in the
Editor's Question input box - word is read by Text-To-Speech and
answer entered using the fill-in-the-blank entry mode
Pop Up Mode expanded and
improved Rich-text-format notes file
associated with each study file allows free-form notes to be made
using either WordPad or Word (if installed) - accessible at any time
via a new main menu speed button
'Say Again' button on Main Window button bar
rereads the Q or A that's displayed when Text To Speech is
enabled Hints and
Comments can now optionally be read with Text To
Speech Associated statistics (e.g. Leitner Box) can now
be retained when creating new decks using the Create
Composite Source File tool Current file only
mode now available in Create Composite Source File tool so
a second file does not need to be selected if you aren't going to
use it Check for
Duplicates displays duplicates in a table - making it easy
to delete unwanted pair(s) A new security option
has been added which requests a password to access any function
which can alter the contents of an open study file - prevents
accidental data modification
Note: Old .FLS and .FLU
study files will work just fine with v12. Simply open them
with the new program and the new entries for the .FLD file will be
automatically created the first time you open the file in
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