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Shortcut Keys & Buttons


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Alt- Key Shortcuts


In addition to the dedicated shortcut keys and buttons described below, many buttons in WinFlash dialogs can be 'pressed' from the keyboard by holding the Alt key while typing the underlined character on the face of the button.  For example, the following button from the Standard Pair version of the Question Dialog can be pressed by typing Alt-d.


Shortcut Keys


WinFlash provides several shortcut keys that can be used from anywhere in the program simply by holding down the control key (Ctrl on the key cap) and typing the associated shortcut key.  Below is a list of these shortcuts you may want to print for reference while you are learning them:

Ctrl-a - Opens the current study file to the current Q&A pair in the WinFlash editor

Ctrl-b - Toggle Browse Mode

Ctrl-d - Initiates a Copy Pair operation

Ctrl-e - Opens the current study file to Q&A pair 1 in the editor

Ctrl-Alt-f - Moves to the first Q&A pair in the editor

Ctrl-g - Opens the Go To Pair dialog box or, if the editor is open, moves the cursor into the edit box for entering the Q&A pair to jump to.  In either case, Enter will complete the move to the Q&A pair after typing in the pair number

Ctrl-alt-g - Backs up to previously displayed pair

Ctrl-h - Clicks the Hint or Comment button in the Question or Answer dialog, respectively. This shortcut is inoperative in test mode.

Ctrl-i - Opens the current study file with a new Q&A pair ready to edit in the editor inserted immediately following the current Q&A pair

Ctrl-l - Opens the current study file with a new Q&A pair ready to edit in the editor inserted at the end of the file

Ctrl-Alt-l - Moves to the final Q&A pair in the editor

Ctrl-m - Moves to the memo control in editor

Ctrl-n - Moves to next Q&A pair in editor

Ctrl-o - Brings up the File|Open dialog

Ctrl-p - Moves to previous Q&A pair in editor

Ctrl-q - Closes and saves the open study file - this combination is disabled when working in the editor.

Ctrl-r - Resets the contents of the status bar.

Ctrl-s - Opens the Show MY Answer dialog if Answer dialog is open and the Show MY Answer speed button is enabled.


Short Cut Keys for Text Editing


Ctrl-Right Arrow - Moves cursor one word to the right.

Ctrl-Left Arrow - Moves cursor one word to the left.

Ctrl-Shift-Right Arrow - Selects from cursor position to end of word.

Ctrl-Shift-Left Arrow - Selects from cursor position to beginning of word.

Ctrl-a - Selects all text in the current edit box.

Ctrl-b - Applies the bold style to all selected text in the current edit box.

Ctrl-i - Applies the italics style to all selected text in the current edit box.

Ctrl-u - Applies the underline style to all selected text in the current edit box.

Ctrl-c - Copies selected text to the clipboard.

Ctrl-x - Copies selected text to the clipboard and deletes the selected text from the source location.

Ctrl-v - Pastes the text on the clipboard at the cursor location - WITH any font style information from the source.

Ctrl-Alt-v - Pastes the text on the clipboard at the cursor location - WITHOUT any font style information from the source.



Speed Buttons


WinFlash provides several speed buttons located on the bar below the menu on WinFlash's main window.  Below is a screenshot of the main window as it appears in WinFlash Educator:




From left to right the buttons have the following functions (displayed by moving the mouse pointer over the button if Hints are enabled in Options - the default setting):


Open Subject Outline View... *


Equivalent to File|Subject Outline...


Open Existing WinFlash File...


Equivalent to File|Open... or Ctrl-o


Create New WinFlash Source File...


Equivalent to File|New...


Save The Open file Under A New Name...


Equivalent to File|Save As...


Open Associated Notes File... **


This button has no menu equivalent. Opens the rich-text format file used for taking notes about the current study file with WordPad or Word (if installed).


Edit Current WinFlash File...


Equivalent to Edit|Edit Current Q&A Pair... or Ctrl-a


Copy Current Pair To... *


Equivalent to Edit|Copy Current Q&A Pair... or Ctrl-d


Insert Pair After This Pair...


Equivalent to Edit|Insert New Q&A Pair... or Ctrl-i


Insert Pair At End Of File...


Equivalent to Edit|Add New Q&A Pair At End Of file... or Ctrl-l


Redisplay Introduction...


This button has no menu equivalent.  Clicking on the button redisplays the Introduction - if one exists for the currently open file.


Toggle Text-to-speech... **


This button has no menu equivalent.  Clicking on the button toggles the Text-To-Speech feature on and off.  If the button is grayed this indicates that there is no Text-To-Speech engine (SAPI4 or SAPI5) installed on the computer.


Say Again **


This button has no menu equivalent.  Pressing it when Text-To-Speech is on replays the currently-displayed text in the Question or Answer Dialog.


Start WinFlash Administrator... **


This button has no menu equivalent and is not visible in the above picture.  Clicking on the button opens WinFlash Administrator if that program is installed on the PC.


* Scholar and Educator only


** Educator only


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