
This dialog displays the results that have been stored
in an .FLR file including
- Student name
- Name of test
- Date test was administered
- 8-character student ID identifying the test result file
- Number of questions in the file
- Number of correct answers
- Number of skipped answers
- Percentage score based on (Correct/Total)*100%
- Percentage score based on
View (5-column display) or print the results array showing above
statistics and one of two array options:
- A 3-column display in portrait format with question number, score
and the actual answer given, if any.
- A 5-column display in landscape format with question number, score,
question text, the actual answer given, if any and the correct answer.
- Incorrect answers are highlighted in red.
Optionally, view/print only incorrect/skipped answers.
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