Starting from the top, the Compiled Files Options
dialog contains the following data and controls:
Use This Password For File - If this option is selected, you can
enter a password to be used in the creation of the .FLZ or .FLT
file that the user must enter before being able to use the file.
If the option is not selected, then the file will open without asking
the user for a password. For .FLZ files, this is the only option
that is valid.
Options below only pertain to .FLT files
Test Name (Required) - Enter a short, descriptive name for the
test - it will be used in displaying and printing the results of
the test.
Limit Test Time - Selecting this option and filling in the number
of minutes (whole minutes only) causes the resulting .FLT file to
run with the entered time limitation.
Show Introduction - Uses the sources introduction file at the beginning
of the test.
Allow Only One Pass Through Questions - Limits the student to viewing
each question only one time. Test automatically saves the result
file and closes once the last question is answered.
Save Result (.FLR) File - Allows setting the destination directory
where the .FLR file will be saved. Default is to save it to the
same directory which contains the .FLT file. If you use the To:
selection, be sure to enter a full path name which will be accessible
on any machine which will be used to administer the test.
As an example, in a networked computer lab where all machines have
drive d: mapped to the file server's c: drive you could use:
as the path. Thus, as students completed their tests on the multiple
lab machines, all the results would end up in the server's c:\testrslt
directory, making it very easy to access and grade the exam.
Message to be shown... - Any message entered here will appear as
the first dialog (other than the password dialog if a password has
been used) after the .FLT file is loaded. Use this feature to display
special instructions to the students.
OK - Initiates the creation of the .FLT or .FLZ file.
Cancel - Exits without creating a file.
Help - Brings up this help topic.
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