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Taking a .FLT-file Test

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For WinFlash Educator Users:

To maintain continuity in the Tutorials, we suggest that you skip this one for now and proceed to Add An Intro And .RTF Support File. You will be asked to return to this segment after completing your own creation of a .FLT-file test in Tutorial 9.

For WinFlash Basic and Scholar Users:

In this session we'll explore WinFlash's built-in test engine by taking the test on the Demos menu - Sample Test on State Capitals

1. Start WinFlash and click on Sample Test on State Capitals in the Demos menu.

For WinFlash Educator Users Who Have Completed Tutorial 9:

In this segment we'll explore Educator's built-in test engine by taking the test you created in Tutorial 9 - Create A Compiled Test File.

1. Start Educator and open COMPOUT.FLT in the ..\Tutorial subdirectory.


1.a. Enter "winflash" (without the quotes) in the password dialog that appears and click the OK button.


1.b  A dialog showing introductory comments will appear. Click OK.


The remaining steps are the same for all WinFlash users:

Note: Before continuing, you may wish to look at the Question Dialog - Test Mode topic to familiarize yourself with the Test Mode status bar and its controls.


2. Enter your first and last name in the spaces provided in the next dialog.  For the Student ID entry, enter your three initials, followed by a "1" followed by the four-digit date as your 8-character Student ID in the Student ID dialog. E.g. if your name is Joseph P. Jones and it's September 12  you'd enter JPJ10912. Click OK.


3.  Now we'll actually take the test.


Note that the background of the Question number displayed is initially red, indicating that the question has not been answered.  Directly below this display is the Left Unanswered box, showing how many questions remain to be answered.  In our example, there's a "time remaining" display as well.  If the Test File is created without a time limit, this display would not be shown.


Questions are answered in the same manner as T/F, Y/N, Multiple Choice and Fill-In-The-Blank Q&A pairs are answered in normal WinFlash operation.  The currently stored answer is used for review and shows the answer that will be saved when the test is completed.   If the Allow Only One Pass option is used to create the .FLT file, this display will be replaced by a fixed display stating: "!!WARNING!! This Test Only Allows ONE Pass Through The Questions".


If this is NOT a One Pass Test, you may skip a question, leaving it unanswered (removing the previously-stored answer) by clicking the Skip button.  Move backward or forward through the questions using the blue browser arrows, or seek out the next unanswered question by clicking on Next Unanswered.


Work through the questions and, when you're done, save your results.


Warning!! Important Note!! In general, once a test is saved, it CANNOT be opened again using the same Student ID/Date.  This is a security measure to prevent retaking the test to gain more time or to amend answers after having had time to check outside references.  So, be SURE you've reviewed your answers before closing the test!! (Test files CAPITALS.FLT and COMPOUT.FLT are excused from this rule, allowing multiple sessions for the purpose of practicing using the test engine.)


The test can be ended by clicking on the "X" in the upper right hand corner of the Main dialog or the Question dialog or typing Alt-F4 (the standard Windows quit shortcut).


You've completed the .FLT file and saved the results!!


If you are using WinFlash Educator, the final tutorial segment will show you how to open and use the Result (.FLR) File created in this segment.  If you'd like to move to this segment now, click Grade A .FLR Result File.


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